
Romantic Adventure

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Speculating About A Muslim Antichrist

By Essie Osborn

The end times predicted in the book of Revelation have always caused much speculation. It speaks about an evil man who will rise to a position of control over the whole world. The Bible does not state who this man is or where he comes from and this is why so many theories abound. Some feel that there will be a Muslim antichrist and others think that he will be a Jew. The Bible simply says that we will know him because he will proclaim that he is God.

Various individuals have been targeted as fulfilling these prophecies over the years. One can understand why one of these was Adolf Hitler. The Pope and various presidents have also been considered and people continue to speculate about this today.

Modern biblical interpreters tend to have discarded the theories of many past interpreters who firmly believed in an Islamic antichrist. Some say that this is a mistake and that they are looking at things from a Western point of view. This is allowing them to miss the many literal references to the destruction of Islamic nations on the return of the Messiah.

Those holding this belief use the denial by Islam of the Trinity as one of their arguments. One of the central beliefs of Islam is that God has no son. And this is blasphemous to Christians. These people say that just like the Christians, Muslims also predict a battle but they see the outcome battle as the destruction of the Jews.

It is interesting that not only Revelation but also the Koran speaks about a mark that will appear on the forehead. In Revelation it says that no-one is able to buy or sell without this mark. Some believe this is a literal mark and others regard this mark as allegorical, regarding it a declaration of what they believe.

There is all this speculation about the antichrist but in fact this term is not used in prophecies in Revelation. He is referred to as the beast and by a number of other titles. He controls the whole world and establishes a form of peace. Jesus said that destruction would come from God after this period of peace.

With the events that have occurred in the world today, many Muslims want to disassociate themselves from the fundamentalists. They protest that Islam is actually a religion of peace. However, there are those who say that this is not true, it is simply a facade and that the true intention is to establish world domination. Others say that focusing on the Islamic nations may actually lead to the rise of a European antichrist as a savior from Islam.

This issue gives rise to endless speculation and many different theories. All of these theories are possible to back up with some world events happening today so it is impossible to say that one or the other is true. What we can be sure of is that such speculation will only increase.

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