
Romantic Adventure

Sunday, 3 November 2013

What Does Tomorrow Hold For The Coming Of Futuristic Technology

By Marsha Klein

Technology touches on a broad set of concepts. In simple terms, it involves the synergy of both knowledge and protocols mainly related to achieving goals of performing certain functions. Technological advancement has remained, remains, and will remain as a significant catalyst in molding human civilization. Futuristic technology is the great means to bridge the gap between the present and a brighter tomorrow.

Technology is identified to be a collection of protocols because it entails changing, creating, and using machinery, systems, tools and contraptions. Technologies are also known to be purposive- the main purpose is to fulfill a predetermined function or attain a goal. Such include a wide range of aspects including modifying systems or machines; improve a present way to resolve problems; and solving problems themselves. In general, technologies are the way for which intelligent species, like human beings, to adapt, limit, manipulate and leverage the various phenomena they face.

The ability to live in a manner which maximizes the benefits from known phenomena is the highlight of the differentiation between the present and ancestral human civilizations. The earliest technological revolutions involved the invention of the wheel, usage of shelter and clothing, creation of tools and the discovery of fire. The daily life of human beings, which has become increasingly technologically-dependent nowadays, was forever changed by such changes.

The transition between old and new technologies were filled with newer ways of doing things. From merely using technological means for survival, mankind has continuously been using technologies towards trivial things like entertainment and self-satisfaction of pleasures. Such transition involved the development of printing press, farm equipment, sewer and septic systems, telephone and telegraph, explosive-based weaponry and construction, just to name a few out of so many technologies brought about during this era.

At this present time and age, advanced technologies being employed are evident in many fields. Such fields include engineering, education, sports, medical, music, entertainment, and the military fields. The advancements in such have been drastic, within an arguably short period of time, ranging from several decades to as quickly as just a few months.

Comparing the observed progression of developments in technology creation and discovery, it appears that current rates of innovations are increasingly becoming much faster than in the past. A good example of such a phenomenon is the obsolescence of personal computer components just within a couple of years.

Huge impacts may be brought about upon the current way that humans live, by these advanced technologies that are currently under development. Experts are currently improving artificial intelligence capabilities to acquire new knowledge and learn from its mistakes. Growing of human organs and limbs like crops are being researched on and perfected. Quantum bits have also just recently been successfully teleported by researchers.

As early as the earliest humans, technology made great positive impacts on human lives. However, such technologies were also the cause of current problems, like global warming. Futuristic technology can potentially fulfill its promise of creating a worldwide community for all, which is much more human-centered, humane, safe, peaceful and just.

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