
Romantic Adventure

Monday 16 February 2015

For Religious Parents, Christian Bibs Are A Popular Choice

By Katina Brady

For many centuries, Christianity has been an integral part of Western civilization, with strong footholds in North and South America, as well as Europe. For much of that time, Christians lived lives of faith without much demonstrative outward expressions. That's no longer the case. Today, Christians are more vocal than ever about the way they want businesses to cater to their faith with various goods and services. Take, for example, the many varieties of Christian bibs now available for families of faith.

The designer bib industry is nothing new, of course. For many years, new parents have been able to choose from a wide variety of bib designs that included everything from clever and funny sayings to images of beloved cartoon characters and cuddly animals. Many of today's young adults spent their baby years wearing those attractive designs.

In most instances, however, those designs were little more than decorative additions to one of life's little necessities. They served no real purpose, and did little to comport with the attitudes or beliefs of the families that used them. Moreover, the images and words on the products tended to change with great frequency, as trends and fads came and went.

Once the religious began seeking products that reflected their deep faith convictions, however, it became clear to many of those product designers that there was a real economic opportunity to be realized. As they answered those parent's needs, the end result was a market full of bib products containing messages to God, Scripture, and other inspirational text.

The bib manufacturers have also taken great care to ensure that every product meets the industry standard used for other bibs. Most are made using one hundred percent cotton, which is spun to be as soft and gentle on the baby's skin as possible. That's as important as any message conveyed, since babies can be sensitive to all but the softest of materials.

The design ensures that all conform to the size specifications used by the industry, and are appropriately sized to fit children until they are three years old. Like other bib products, these use hook and loop enclosures for ease of use. All can be washed in the home's washing machine without any danger of color loss or faded images and text.

The ease of cleaning and durability is an important factor for most parents. Baby clothing and accessories are expensive, and parents would prefer not to have to replace items like these every few weeks. Thanks to the high quality of the materials used in each bib, those parents can rest assured that their purchases will be usable for many months into the future.

Christians are called upon to share their beliefs with their fellow man, and that calling doesn't disappear when their newborn arrives. A faith-oriented bib can be a great way to trumpet a family's faith in God while also using timeless and unchanging messages to remind every family member of his or her duty to serve the Creator.

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