
Romantic Adventure

Monday 22 April 2013

Women Online Dating Tips - A Challenge

Quality #3 – A Challenge 

Of course, you should not mistaken the ladies man’s natural need for women as neediness. They are two different things. Having a need for women means you are acknowledging your natural desire for the fairer sex and making sex and romance parts of your daily routine.

 Being needy means you are performing needy actions and sucking up to women because you can’t risk losing one.

 See the difference? 
 The ladies man enjoys acting like a challenge. In addition, women enjoy “catching him” just as much as he
enjoys picking them up.

 Men who act like a challenge automatically intrigue women because: 
- They are less predictable.
- They refuse to be dominated by a woman’s beauty. (This automatically set them above other men.)
- They raise their social proof by acting like they are in demand. (To the human brain, a guy must be
   acting like a challenge because he “can.”)
- They lead women to take small steps, and each step solidifies the women’s interests in them.
  (“I must really like this guy if I am giving him a back rub…)
- They are more fun.
- They satisfy the woman’s primal need for wanting what she can’t have.

 One thing to remember about being a challenge is that it does NOT mean “acting aloof.”

 Some guys think that being a challenge means pulling back and acting like you don’t like women at all.

 If you act aloof, then women are just going to not come to you at all. You’ll be what I call a “powerful loner.” (The guy who thinks he’s all great but never gets any girl.)
 Instead of acting aloof, think of being a challenge as like playing with a cat. You throw her a little wool ball and then PULL IT BACK to make her chase after it. Then you bonk her on the head with the ball.
 In “dating terms”, you throw her a compliment and then tease her when she responds.
 Or you “barter” for a kiss when she asks you for a favor…
 You bait and then you pull. You bait and then you pull.
Rinse and repeat, get it?


Daniel Efosa Uyi said...

hey nice post meh, I love your style of blogging here. this post reminded me of an equally interesting post that I read some time ago on Daniel Uyi's blog: how to attract girls .
keep up the good work friend. I will be back to read more of your posts.


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