
Romantic Adventure

Sunday 20 October 2013

Why Love Hurts.

By Val Tejera

Maybe your romantic relationships don't last or maybe your relationships are filled with pain. It could be because your partner is a psychopath. If you are feeling the pain, you may be the victim, the co-dependent, because psychopaths don't feel pain. They don't feel anything. A psychopath is closely related to a narcissist and an addict.

It's not unusual for a psychopath to also be an addict. A psychopath and a sociopath have very similar characteristics. For the sake of this article, I'm treating them both as psychopaths. I'm also lumping narcissists in the mix. All of them are selfish and destructive to your life. Their differences are really just a matter of degree. Psychopaths are far more common than you might expect. About 1 in 25 people are psychopaths. Many rise to positions of authority and power.

Psychopaths have the following characteristics: (This is a partial list, but you get the idea).

1.) No Fear.

2) No empathy for others.

3) Tolerates high levels of stress.

4.) Charming.

5.) Manipulative.

6.) Avoids responsibility.

7) No impulse control.

8.) Harbors criminal tendencies.

9.) Does not experience remorse.

10.) Uses others and lives off others.

A psychopath will only apologize to win something they want. They will not apologize when they hurt you, because they are not capable of remorse. They only apologize to regain control. Psychopaths will not change and cannot be fixed.

Emotionally healthy people will not tolerate a psychopath. A psychopath is only tolerated by someone who has been condition to accept them. That is someone who has been parented by a psychopath or psychopaths. A psychopath is wired to seek out the co-dependent who has been conditioned to willfully participate in their dysfunctional world.

Unfortunately, people who have been parented by a psychopath are conditioned for the role of co-dependent. The co-dependent will unconsciously seek out the psychopath and revel in their charm. The co-dependent often has an addiction to the psychopath personality which makes escaping them a challenge.

Imagine a room full of a hundred strangers. A psychopath and the co-dependent will find each other out within minutes. This has been demonstrated in countless studies. The hazard is that a psychopath does not see other people as real. They are merely objects to be used for the benefit of the psychopath.

A romantic relationship should enrich and enhance your life. If it does anything less, you are better off being alone. Honestly, love does not conquer all. Love cannot conquer addiction. It cannot overcome abuse or neglect.

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