
Romantic Adventure

Friday 12 October 2018

About A Jewish And Interfaith Rabbi

By Angela White

It is easy falling in love with someone and then finding out that one may get a little stuck with the others religion when marriage is on the cards. A Jewish and Interfaith Rabbi must be consulted if this is the case to ease the way forward so that the ceremony itself runs hassle free. There is a ton to do but this is easily accomplished when consulting with a professional such as this.

Both partners want a day that goes off smoothly and so it is best to get started preparing long before the day arrives. One needs to know a bit about the laws pertaining to food as this gives one a better sense of what makes up part of this religion. For most Jews, this is a lifelong study but it is easily practiced when one knows the basic rules.

There is reason to the customs practiced such as the groom stamping and breaking a glass after the prayers have come to an end. This is done in remembrance of both temples that were destroyed many years ago. It is to say that life is fragile and love too and that every waking moment each partner should focus on the other and enjoy their lives together.

Another area of knowledge that may be overwhelming are the laws pertaining to food and what may be eaten and what not. These are the laws of Kashrut or kosher laws. The reason why it is a good idea to get to know them a little is because guests that will be attending, and who are Jewish, will expect kosher foods to be served.

These are the basic rules but one need not worry too much about this as the caterer will have this covered and offer suggestions as to the meal that will be served. A Rabbi will advise who to use and having a meeting with one as soon as possible is advisable in order to put this task down as done. These precautions are necessary as one does not really want to disappoint guests that are Jewish as the food is one of the highlights of the occasion.

The intricacies of the day are appreciated that much more when knowledge of its laws and practices are understood. A Rabbi is the perfect person to bounce ideas off and to get the process going. One should leave oneself enough time to organize all of this.

It is best to allow oneself some time. Getting started on a search for an interfaith Rabbi should be done months in advance. Some may suggest some possibilities and it is a worthwhile following each lead.

It is a special time for all including friends and family and one will want the day to go off without a hitch. As chaotic as it may seem, things do come together. There is never a better time than to start preparing now.

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