
Romantic Adventure

Monday 18 May 2015

Discover Where Do We Go After Death

By Tammie Caldwell

This is a question that any right thinking person will be asked and more often than not turn to belief system and way of life rather than the logic of the matter. They tend to think in that line not because logic does not explain this issue but because it does not offer an explanation that satisfies their inner self. The matter of where do we go after death is such a controversial factor that it raises more questions than answers and its deemed to be the ultimate equalizer.

Since time in memorial deaths have been with us and this is not different even to the kings in the past. As recorded in the ancient Egyptian history, the demise of a pharaoh was a big loss to the society. This is because they had lost a leader, a king to be precise. They had a system that dictated that whenever a leader died he was to be buried with his servants and all his belongings since they believed in an afterlife.

In the east and central Africa in a kingdom known as Buganda they had a kingship way of leadership which they believed worked for them. Their form of leadership proclaimed all royals from their kings to their servants all royal but they varied in class. Upon dying of one of the royals they were prepared for an afterlife and their jaw bones were removed and preserved since they were proclaimed to be royals.

Hindus have a different belief system from the aforementioned systems. To them life did not really end with the final breath of the individual. They tend to believe that life starts all over again for one once they die. They believe that once your body dies the soul will be reincarnated in another state and that the individual will be born again in another form but in a different body or state.

Unlike the Hindus the Christians have a different way of viewing things. They believe in an all-powerful God. One who is omnipresent and omnipotent. They believe that their actions on earth are seen by him and no matter where they hide He is present. Whenever a Christian dies they believe that they are judged according to their actions on earth and if their final verdict is that they lived according to his will they go to heaven but if theirs were ill intentioned they face eternal death on a lake of fire or hell.

Atheists have a totally contradicting way of looking at the whole picture of deaths. They tend to use logic instead of belief. They argue out that dying has nothing more into it. Its the end for them and they state that there is no more existence after the dying.

The Muslims have a view that life is a preparation for death, a view that what life is a trial in itself making one ready for their final destination and it gives one the courage to face the next form of existence and all the pleasantries that accompany it.

This is a topic that has made people so afraid that most people tend not to focus on it and instead focus on the life and at times a have to seek a belief system in order to answer the questions they have.

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