
Romantic Adventure

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Why You Need To Purchase Books On How To Study The Bible

By Mattie MacDonald

As a Christian, it is always very important for you to read the word of the lord frequently. This is because, the bible is meant to be a daily bread and not cake for special occasions. Life has so many happenings that sometimes do not stand to any chance. You escape from northern troubles and you meet eastern trouble. Without the word of God, you can easily lose hope and faith in yourself. Many people are not always able to read their bibles often. However, with proper guidance from materials and books on how to study the bible, you will be able to become a passionate reader of the word.

The fact is that reading the word of God is not an option to any Christian. A Christian should read the word of God daily, either alone or as a group. This is because; just as your body cannot survive without food, your soul cannot survive without the word of God. The word of God is the food to the soul of any believer.

Being born again is essential for a Christian but it does not change a person completely. Being born again is just a confession before the lord and his people. The word of God helps to strengthen you and thus transforming you. If you are born again and fail to read the word of God, you can be easily tempted and result back to your old ways. The word of god will guide you to make the right decisions as a Christian.

The fact is that this life has many challenges. These challenges are likely to make a Christian lose his or her faith in God. However, Christian needs to understand that they are not of this world. The fact that they are born again, makes them children of God. As a result, the challenges of this world should not make them backslide. If anything, their father is in control.

Sometimes one can do things and claim they do them without knowing that they are disobeying God. If you fail to read the word of God, you may fail what God commands to be right and wrong. Reading the word of God will prevent one from sinning.

Many people do not know that there is difference between knowledge and wisdom. By going to school you acquire knowledge but not necessarily wisdom. To define Knowledge, it is the understanding of how to do something right, but wisdom is to know when to do it. Wisdom comes from the lord. You need to first seek His kingdom and all other things including knowledge shall be added to you.

Are wondering where you can get a book to guide you in reading the word of God? If yes, you do not have to worry. This is because; these books are available online. With simply a click of a few buttons on your computer, you will bet to have numerous books to select.

In conclusion, you also need to hang around with the right people who will always inspire you to read the word of the lord. The company you spend the most time with is very important since, they influence you in the way you do your work. Therefore, be in the company of positive people.

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